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مشاريع طلاب ربيع 2023 - S23
- Toggleاللسانيّات التطبيقيّة ودورها في الكشف عن الحرب الإعلامية على سورية
Applied linguistics and its role in revealing the media war on Syria
The current study aims to demonstrate the role of applied linguistics in uncovering the media and propaganda war on Syria, study the language strategies used in claims to achieve political or utilitarian goals, and analyze the impact of these strategies on the target audience, through the contribution of applied linguistics in uncovering fake news and media misinformation. Developing the use of linguistic analysis, verifying sources, and verifying information. The study adopted the applied linguistic approach, which reflects a change in the analysis of texts and discourses and does not only examine the structure of articles, but also deals with messages, symbols, and linguistic types associated with the media.
The study starts from two axes:
The first axis: aims to explain the importance of applied linguistic sciences in the modern era, and the political and economic effects it has left.
The second axis: The study discusses the role of linguistics in clarifying the media war that Syria suffered from, and its results that negatively affected Syria.
Therefore, the study focuses on the importance of applied linguistics in the modern era and the danger of its use in these propaganda media wars. The study reached several results, as delving into applied linguistics gives a better understanding of the extent of the media’s relationship and communication with the public, how the word and sentence were formulated, and what they mean, and revealing the landscape of the language. In the misleading media discourse and its psychosocial impact on the receiving audience, in addition to the necessity of studying the language by monitoring it according to the applied linguistic approach, which represents a rich source that enriches studies in all the details regarding the media war on Syria.
إعداد: الطالبة أوراس جمـــال خضـــور
إشراف: الدكتورة آلاء عيســى
اللسانيّات التطبيقيّة ودورها في الكشف عن الحرب الإعلامية على سورية
"أثر توظيف تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تعليم اللغة الإنكليزية لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائيّة"
“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Applications Implementation on Teaching English to Primary School Students”
The current research aims to know the impact of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) applications on enriching English language teaching to primary school students, and its effectiveness in acquiring the four skills. The experimental approach was used to achieve this aim, and the study sample consisted of (66) fourth-grade students in some of Aleppo city schools which were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group is (Al-malikeh Balqees school) with (30) male and female students. And the control group is (Ahmad Saeed school) with (36) male and female students.
This study relied on two tools: a test of linguistic skills for English language, in addition to a tool that represented an experiment with an educational program designed according to some applications of artificial intelligence to enrich the teaching of English language. The most important results of the study indicated that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students in the pre- and post-achievement of English language skills test in favor of the post-test, which shows the importance of the role of modern digital technology means, and the applications of artificial intelligence in the educational process as a whole, and teaching English language in particular.
إعداد: الطالبة سالي الشّيخ محمّد
بإشراف: الدكتور عصمت الله عبد الحليم رمضان
"أثر توظيف تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تعليم اللغة الإنكليزية لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائيّة"
التأثير الاجتماعي والثقافي لاختلافات اللهجات وتصورات أفراد المجتمع السوري اللغوية والاجتماعية عنها
The social and cultural impact of dialect differences and the linguistic and social perceptions of Syrian community members about it
The research dealt with the social and cultural impact of dialect differences and the linguistic and social perceptions of Syrian society members about it. The research touched on an issue that is directly related to the issues of linguistic pollution and linguistic duality and their effects on the social and cultural aspects، and extends beyond them to another group of aspects that may relate to the economic، service، educational and artistic aspects.
The problem of different dialects and the resulting stereotyping، discrimination and racism is an aspect of social and cultural difference not only in our societies، but in all societies in the world. In this research، the aim of this study is to introduce dialects، their rules، characteristics، and the reasons for their emergence initially، and then move to the purpose and goal of the research، which is the social and cultural impact of dialect differences in the world، in our Arab homeland، and in Syria.
The research touched on these social and cultural influences in Syria and the Syrian society’s linguistic and social perceptions through a study of those aspects and the role of television and cinematic works in enhancing those influences. To this end، the research used a closed questionnaire that monitors those perceptions and carries in its content a moral study of those perceptions and results and recommendations drawn from those perceptions.
إعداد: الطالب محمود لورانس الراضي
إشراف: الدكتور عصمت الله رمضان
التأثير الاجتماعي والثقافي لاختلافات اللهجات وتصورات أفراد المجتمع السوري اللغوية والاجتماعية عنها
تصميم منهج قرائي لمعالجة عسر القراءة (الديسليكسيا) لدى تلاميذ الصف الثاني الأساسي
Designing a Reading Curriculum to Treat Dyslexia among Second-grade primary school students
The purpose of this study:
The study aimed to design a reading curriculum to treat dyslexia directed specifically to second-grade primary school students because their age suits with early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.
The researcher described dyslexia (its concepts, types, causes, symptoms, and the most prominent therapeutic strategies used) and then moved on to present information related to the educational curriculum (its concepts, principles, foundations, components, development, design), then described specific curricula and what distinguishes them from other educational curricula.
Search tools:
The researcher used observation as a tool to collect data and information by observing and describing the phenomenon accurately and carefully in order to obtain information and record it to help otain results accurately and clearly.
Research Methodology:
The researcher relied on the descriptive analytical approach in the study, as she described both the phenomenon of dyslexia and the concepts related to designing the educational curriculum and analyzed all data and information related to them in order to reach the desired results.
Research results:
The study concluded with designing a remedial reading curriculum for dyslexia by adopting the phonological awareness method, the analytical method in learning sounds, the phonological method (Gillingham method), and the multi-sensory method (Fernald method) in constructing therapeutic activities.
إعداد: الطالبة آلاء المغوش
إشراف: الدكتورة آلاء فيصل عيسى
تصميم منهج قرائي لمعالجة عسر القراءة (الديسليكسيا) لدى تلاميذ الصف الثاني الأساسي
اللغة العربية في زمن العولمة والتطور العلمي والتكنولوجي/ التحديات والرهانات والآفاق
Arabic in the era of globalization, scientific and technological advancement: challenges, stakes, and prospects
The Arabic language in the 21st century faces a set of obstacles and challenges that hinder its development and spread. The impact on the Arabic language is evident in pronunciation, writing, usage, and dissemination. One of the prominent challenges is the phenomenon of globalization, which seeks, through the dominance of one pole and one culture, to the control the English language in all communication platforms and levels. It also works to disperse Classical Arabic, considering it as the unifying tool for the Arab and Islamic nations, and encourages the use of colloquial and various dialects in all aspects of life. In addition, there is continuous and rapid scientific and technological progress, which introduces new vocabulary, concepts, and terms into the Arabic language, revealing its inability to keep up with the age of science and technology. This necessitates finding ways to confront these challenges through a comprehensive renaissance that contributes to the development of the language, optimizing its use, and focusing on translation, education, and Arabization, among others. Therefore, this research will discuss this topic through its theoretical and field branches, aiming to introduce the most important contemporary challenges facing Classical Arabic, its nature, and methods of confronting them.
إعداد: الطالبة منى عبد الحميد إبراهيم
إشراف: الدكتور منال البيطار
اللغة العربية في زمن العولمة والتطور العلمي والتكنولوجي/ التحديات والرهانات والآفاق
المشكلات التي يعاني منها مدرسو اللغة الإنكليزية مع تطبيق منهاج إيمار Emar (دراسة ميدانية لآراء عينة من مدرسي ثانويات مدينة دمشق)
Problems that English Teachers Suffer from while teaching Emar Curriculum (Field study for the sample of secondary school teachers’ opinions of Damascus City)
Considering the importance of language in human life, and the importance of acquiring it in the lives of individuals because of its deep impact on their communication, education, work, and the building and advancement of their societies, this study aimed to survey the opinions of English language teachers in the secondary schools of Damascus about the problems they suffer from while teaching Emar curriculum -which put into practice in the schools of the Syrian Arab Republic at the beginning of the Academic year 2021-2022 in order to determine these problems and the extent of their impact on the process of teaching English language, to try to propose solutions that would help whom in charge of this curriculum to develop it, to help teachers to deal with the problems and to overcome them, and to guide other researchers in the same field.
In order to achieve the goal of the study, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical method and developed questionnaire that was distributed to the exploratory sample before applying it to the study sample. The exploratory sample consisted of 17 teachers to ensure its validity, reliability, and the extent of the problems. It was found that the size of the problems according to the averages of the answers was between very large, large, and medium, which means that the problems are really existent and need solutions in order to achieve the desired goals of the curriculum under this study. These problems centered on the lack of time, the inadequacy of classes to implement this curriculum as required, and the lack of educational means in a way that not enables teachers to help students practicing language skills and many other problems, which come out of them or differ from them. The sample of the study was 112 teachers to survey their opinions about the problems they suffer from while teaching Emar curriculum.
The results of the study were that there are no statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average sizes of the problems of teaching the Emar curriculum from the viewpoint of English language teachers in government secondary schools in Damascus according to the variables of gender, educational qualification, or the number of years of experience. There were also different responses to the open question that must be taken into account while formulating proposals for solutions. The most important of these proposals was that appropriate and modern educational methods must be provided which would help in implementing the curriculum, trying to modify it and reduce its intensity or increase the time and classes for it, in addition to other suggestions.
إعداد: الطالبة ريم حجاوي
إشراف: الدكتور ياسر يوسف جاموس
العوامل المؤثرة في تعدد اللهجات العربية وعلاقتها بالتراث السوريّ
Factors affecting the diversity of Arabic dialects and their relationship to Syrian heritage
Objective of the study: This study aims to identify the factors influencing the multiplicity of Arabic dialects in Syrian society, and to identify the reality of members of Syrian society preserving their heritage, in addition to measuring the relationship between the multiplicity of dialects in Syrian society and Syrian heritage, and measuring the impact of the multiplicity of Arabic dialects in society on Syrian heritage.
Research results: Geographic factors came in first place in their impact on the multiplicity of Arabic dialects with an average of 3.80, followed by political factors in second place with an average of 3.74, and cultural and social factors came in last place in their impact on the multiplicity of Arabic dialects with an average of 3.51.
As for the section of preserving the Syrian heritage, customs and traditions came first in the Syrian society’s preservation of their heritage with an average of 4.01. Songs came in second place with an average of 3.81, followed by weddings in the Syrian society’s preservation of their heritage with an average of 3.57, and popular proverbs came in last place in the Syrian society’s preservation of their heritage, the average is 3.33. The statistical study also showed that there is a strong direct relationship between the multiplicity of Arabic dialects and the preservation of the Syrian heritage.
إعداد: الطالبة ليلى فايز جروج
إشراف: الدكتور عصمت الله عبد الحليم رمضان
العوامل المؤثرة في تعدد اللهجات العربية وعلاقتها بالتراث السوريّ
دور دمج التكنولوجيا في تعليم اللغة الانكليزية من وجهة نظر مدرسيها
(دراسة ميدانيه في مدارس الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الأساسي في محافظة اللاذقية)
The role of integrating technology in teaching English language from the point of view of its teachers (A field study in the first stages of primary schooling in Latakia Governorate)
This study aimed to determine the role of integrating technology in teaching the English language from the point of view of its teachers, and the effect of variables (gender, academic qualification, number of years of experience, the class taught, type of school) on that. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive approach was used from during the design of a questionnaire consisting of (46) items divided into four axes, the research sample consisted of (77) male and female English language teachers in the first cycle schools of basic education in Lattakia. The research reached the following most important results:
The degree of agreement among English language teachers in the first episode was high on the three axes, according to their ranking of the most agreed upon: (the positive role of integrating technology into education for the student, the positive role of integrating technology into education for the teacher, and the negatives and obstacles of using the integration of technology into education for the teacher). While their degree of agreement on the negatives and obstacles of using technology integration in education for students was moderate.
- There was no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the research sample members regarding the role of integrating technology in teaching the English language for the first cycle due to the following variables: (gender, years of experience, and the class taught).
There was no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the research sample members on the role of integrating technology in teaching the English language for the first cycle due to the academic qualification variable in the two axes: (Drawbacks and obstacles of using the integration of technology in education for the teacher, negatives and obstacles of using the integration of technology in education for the student). A statistically significant difference appeared on the two axes (the positive role of integrating technology into education for the teacher, the positive role of integrating technology into education for the student) and the overall score of the questionnaire, in favor of those with higher academic degrees
- No statistically significant difference appeared between the average scores of the research sample members on the role of integrating technology in teaching the English language for the first cycle due to the school type variable, except for the axis (the negatives and obstacles of using technology integration in education for the student), in which a statistically significant difference appeared between the averages. Teacher ratings for public school teachers.......
إعداد: الطالبة سارة ابراهيم
إشراف: الدكتورة رانيه جميل رضوان
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مشاريع طلاب خريف 2022 - F22
- Toggleمستوى وعي الذات وعالقته بمستوى الطموح لدى عينة من طلبة اللغة اإلنكليزية في جامعة حلب
Self-awareness and its relationship to the level of ambition among a sample of English language students at the University of Aleppo
The study aims to know the relationship between the level of self-awareness and the level of ambition, and to know the differences in the level of ambition and the level of self-awareness according to the variable of gender and academic year among a sample of English language students at the University of Aleppo.
The study was applied to a random sample consisting of (100) English language students from the first and fourth years, with a total of 59 males and 41 females for the sample as a whole (28) male students and (22) female students for the first year and (31) male students and (19) female students for the fourth year.
The results concluded with the following: the level of ambition and the level of self-awareness were less than the arithmetic average of the total sample, and there was no statistically significant relationship between the level of ambition and the level of self-awareness of the study sample, and there were no statistically significant differences in the level of selfawareness due to the gender variable. For first-year students, while differences were found in the fourth year in favor of males. While there are no differences in the level of ambition for first-year and fourth-year students according to the gender variable, and there are differences in the level of self-awareness and the level of ambition due to the variable of the year of study in favor of fourth-year students
إعداد: الطالبة عــلا عمــاد الدين رعوان
إشراف: الدكتور ياسر جاموس
مستوى وعي الذات وعالقته بمستوى الطموح لدى عينة من طلبة اللغة اإلنكليزية في جامعة حلب
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مشاريع طلاب ربيع 2022 - S22
- Toggleدور اللسانيات الحاسوبية في مجال تعليم اللغة العربية
The role of computational linguistics in the field of Arabic language teaching
This research underlines the efforts made by the contemporary Arab researchers in general and those of the linguistics, subduing the computer techniques to serve the Arabic linguistic studies, in particular, including: phonetics, grammar, lexicons and semantics, and the advantages drawn from the treatment of various topics of language. The relation between computer and Arabic language rests on two main axes: the theoretical and the applied one.
This research also deals with results obtained by the exploitation of this orientation in the field of Arabic language teaching to the native speaker and those speaking other languages, in automatic translation, Arabization, linguistic statics, automatic treatment of the sounds, grammar, lexicon and semantics. The research ends with the definition of the various aspects from this last orientation in contemporary Arabic language, and its influence on the development and the progress of Arabic language in modern times.
إعداد : الطالبة ريم بسام السباعي
إشراف: الدكتور عصمت الله عبد الحليم رمضان
الصعوبات لدى متعلمي اللغة الإنكليزية كلغة أجنبية في لفظ بعض السواكن والمزائج الساكنة
EFL Learners’ Difficulties with the Pronunciation of some Consonants and Consonant Clusters
This research investigates EFL learners’ problems with the pronunciation of some consonant sounds, including /p/, /v/, /θ/ and /ð/ as well as consonant clusters. The research adopts the descriptive and analytical method with the use of observation at one of the Syrian secondary schools in Jableh City to identify the pronunciation errors made by students in terms of the previous consonants and consonant clusters, so that the researcher can analyze these errors and figure out their sources, depending on contrastive analysis, error analysis and the behavioral learning theory.
The results showed that 92.5% of the students failed to pronounce the phoneme /p/, while about only 12.5% failed to pronounce the sound /v/ on the other hand. Moreover, 83% pronounced /z/ instead of /ð/ and about 70% pronounced /s/ instead of /θ/. Finally, the assessment lists also showed that students had great difficulties with the pronunciation of consonant clusters in the onset, but they were better at pronouncing them in the coda when there are no silent vowel letters. The study ends with the researcher’s findings and suggestions to improve students’ pronunciation and conduct future research.
إعداد : الطالب محمد مهند محمد خير مكي
إشراف : الدكتور علي سعود حسن
الصعوبات لدى متعلمي اللغة الإنكليزية كلغة أجنبية في لفظ بعض السواكن والمزائج الساكنة
أثر استعمال اللهجة العامية في اللغة العربية الفصحى في المؤسسات التعليمية طلبة جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة أنموذجاً
The Effect of Using Colloquial on the Classical Arabic Language in Educational Institution - Case Study of The Students, Al-Jazeera Private University
The study deals with the impact of colloquial dialects on the standard Arabic language at universities. The research dealt with the issue of bilingualism and its impact, and the problems that face the learner when using colloquial, and the reasons for the spread of colloquial. The use of the colloquial leads the student to neglect the Arabic language and ignore it during the discussion and conversation with others. Using the colloquial by teacher during the lesson leads to weaken the vocabulary of the student, as the student adopts the vocabulary and phrases that the teacher uses in the class.
إعداد : الطالبة نوال شيخ عرابي
إشراف: الدكتورة آلاء عيسى
تأثير اللغة على اكتساب اللغة الانكليزية كلغة ثانية لدى المتعلمين الصغار: القواعد والتراكيب النحوية أنموذجاً
The Effect of the Mother Tongue on the Acquisition of English as a Second Language among Young Learners: Grammatical structures as a model
The study discusses the effect of the mother tongue (Arabic) on learning a second language (English), and how this interference leads to learning difficulties. After that, it expands to shed light on some of these difficulties facing Arab learners in the primary stages, identifying the grammatical overlap of the formation of sentences, the dual and the plural, and the correspondence of the subject with the verb, given that they are the most common among students
The study concludes with the importance of realizing the aspects of the English language and the differences between it and the mother tongue in order to avoid negative interference and linguistic displacement, which are considered among the most important causes of learning errors. It also gives recommendations and proposals to reduce these errors and reduce the negative interference of the Arabic language while learning English as a second language.
إعداد : الطالبة هدى عمر بدره
إشراف: الدكتورة آلاء عيسى
دور اللعب في تنمية الاكتساب اللغوي لدى أطفال التوحد من وجهة نظر التربويين
The role of play in developing language acquisition among autistic children from the perspective of educators (teachers and parents)
The current research dealt with the topic: the role of play in developing language acquisition among autistic children from the perspective of educators (teachers and parents) as they are the people who deal directly with autistic children to reach real results and to reveal the difficulties they face.
To achieve the objectives of the research, we used the analytical descriptive approach by building a questionnaire to obtain information, analyze it, and interpret it, to reach the importance of the role of play and how to use play in developing language acquisition among autistic children in the basic education stage from the perspective of educators, and the difficulties they face are known, and it has been verified the validity and reliability in several ways, and then applied to the research sample, which amounted to (52) educators.
إعداد : الطالبة ياسمين محمود اسماعيل
إشراف: الدكتورة رانيه جميل رضوان
دور اللعب في تنمية الاكتساب اللغوي لدى أطفال التوحد من وجهة نظر التربويين