مشاريع طلاب ربيع 2022 - S22
التخطيط الأستراتيجي في قطاع البناء والتشييد نموذج مقترح للخطة الأستراتيجية لتبني BIM في سوريا
A proposed model for the Strategic plan for the adoption of BIM in Syria
The study presents in its chapters the concepts of planning and comprehensive strategic planning on the one hand, and building information modeling on the other hand, by comparing the current strategies for adopting BIM technology and the most important global trends and experiences. and identifying the most important obstacles and challenges it faced, then studying and analyzing the current state of BIM technology and exploring Bezel spread in industry construction Syrian , and so on With the aim of formulating a framework for the methodology for effectively integrating Building Information Modeling ( BIM ) technology within the life cycle of engineering projects in Syria , down to a proposal for a strategic plan to adopt BIM in Syria .
إعداد : المهندس حمزة عمران
إشراف : الدكتورة سونيا أحمد
التخطيط الإستراتيجي في قطاع البناء والتشييد نموذج مقترح للخطة الإستراتيجية لتبني BIM في سوريا
نمذجة معلومات البناء و التقييم العقاري الواقع الحالي و الإمكانيات - منطقة الدراسة : سورية-اللاذقية/مدينة جبلة
Bim and realestate evaluation Current reality and possibilities - case study : Syria-Lattakia/ jableh city
The study aims to study the current reality of real estate appraisal in Syria in terms of evaluation methods and transparency، and to study the possibilities offered by building information modeling، which helps in the development of real estate appraisal in accordance with international methods and standards.
At the end of the research، the positives and negatives of the current appraisal were identified in terms of transparency and keeping pace with international methods، and the proposals to be applied to move towards the development of real estate appraisal and the introduction of modeling in it gradually.
إعداد : المهندس هادي ثابت خيربك
إشراف: الدكتورة سونيا سليم أحمد
قياس نُضج نمذجة معلومات البناء في مؤسسات التعليم العالي في سورية واقتراح إطار عمل لتطوير أداِئها
Measuring the maturity of building information modeling in Syrian higher education institutions and propose a framework to developing their performance
Although the adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is widely used all over the world, but it’s considered a new philosophy in Syria, and only a few educational institutions apply it, in varying proportions without planning, Therefore, it was important to academic publishing for BIM models to train new professionals who will implement BIM in the architecture, construction and operation sector (AECO), this study aims to measure the maturity of BIM in higher education institutions in Syria and propose a framework to insert it into curricula, in preparation for preparing a well-trained generation of engineers who can lead the digital transformation process.
The research methodology is based on measuring maturity using a maturity measurement tool for higher education institutions (BIM maturity matrix), in addition to conducting several interviews with stakeholders and distributing questionnaires electronically, The research included 8 universities comprising 13 engineering colleges.
إعداد : المهندسة رغد سفور
إشراف : الدكتورة سونيا احمد
قياس نُضج نمذجة معلومات البناء في مؤسسات التعليم العالي في سورية واقتراح إطار عمل لتطوير أداِئها
دراسة التبريد المسبق للمباني باستخدام الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية - (حالة مبنى فرع نقابة المهندسين في اللاذقية)
Study of pre-cooling buildings using solar photovoltaic energy - (The case of the Engineers Syndicate branch building in Lattakia)
This study presents pre-cooling technology using a solar photovoltaic energy system, the Engineers Association Branch in Latakia was conducted as a case study. This study may be considered the first of its kind in Syria. The results showed that pre-cooling using the solar photovoltaic system led to a significant decrease in the cooling demand during working hours, and in daily consumption from the electric network, as the demand was decreased from 85 kWh to 21,250 kWh. Besides, the value of the electricity bills was decreased by 83%. In addition, pre-cooling lowered the solar energy system capacity that was needed to operate the building's air conditioning equipment by 50%. Also, a reduction of 42.5 kg of CO2 emissions per day could be achieved using PV-pre-cooling system.
إعداد :الطالبة رند اسماعيل
إشراف : الدكتور ضحى جديد
الدكتور بلال زعرور
Published By: International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science
Volume 5 , Issue 2, PP: 38-46 , 2022
دراسة تحويل الواجهة الزجاجية للمباني إلى مصدر متجدد للطاقة - حالة مبنى فرع نقابة المهندسين في اللاذقية
Studying the transformation of the glass facade of buildings into a renewable source of energy -The case of the Engineers Syndicate branch building in Lattakia
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs) systems represent a new and promising technology to secure the increasing energy demand in buildings and to achieve zero energy and emissions buildings in the near future, offering an aesthetic, economical and technical solution to integrate photovoltaic solar cells into buildings. This research is regarded as the one of its kind in Syria, it discusses the possibility of replacing 74m² of south-facing traditional glass windows in the building of the Syndicate of Engineers branch in Latakia, with polycrystalline photovoltaic windows, which produces 160 watts / square meters. We found through this research that using this type of windows is able to produce 59.2 kilowatts, which is a sufficient amount to cover the total electrical load for lighting and operating office equipment in the building, thus reaching a zero-energy building over a period of 30 to 35 years.
إعداد: الطالبة يارا دريباتي
إشراف: الدكتورة ضحى جديد
الدكتور بلال زعرور
اقتراح إطار عمل لإدخال مفهوم الرقمنة الهندسية لتطوير المناهج الدراسية / دراسة حالة - جامعة تشرين كلية الهندسة المدنية
Proposing a framework for introducing the concept of engineering digitization to develop curricula / case study - Tishreen University, Faculty of Civil Engineering
This study aimed to identify the current reality of Building Information Modeling (BIM) education, identify the obstacles and challenges that prevent the application of (BIM), and propose a framework for introducing the concept of engineering digitization represented by Building Information Modeling (BIM) with the curricula at Tishreen University, Faculty of Civil Engineering. The study used the descriptive survey method, and to collect data, two questionnaires were developed, the first to measure the reality of building information modeling education, and the second is to assess the applicability of the proposed framework, it was applied to a sample of (32) members Of faculty members from all disciplines of the College of Civil Engineering, the study also used the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS v.25) program to analyze the results of the questionnaire .
إعداد: الطالبة فتون أحمد دلول
إشراف: الدكتورة لما عادل سعود
الإدارة الرشيقة للهدر ومستقبل صناعة البناء والتشييد في سوريا
Lean Waste Management and the future of architecture, engineering, and construction industry in Syria
Despite the importance of the issue of waste in construction projects, especially in Syria, we find a lack of relevant research. For this and to explore the most important factors causing waste in construction projects in Syria, this study was carried out, as it followed the descriptive analytical method to explore the most important factors through a literature review and semi-structured interviews, then data was collected through a questionnaire. this data was analyzed to come up with results that can be addressed in a logical order according to importance and frequency. These findings can be used by construction professionals to help achieve lean buildings.
إعــداد: علا عماد ضاحي
إشراف: الدكتور عبد السلام شيباني
الإدارة الرشيقة للهدر ومستقبل صناعة البناء والتشييد في سوريا
تطوير عقود الانشاء الهندسية حسب نظام البيم
Developing engineering construction contracts accorfing to the BIM systim
This research includes a discussion of the contracting law in Syria at the present time and it looks at the ways and steps that should be followed and what should be added or modified to reach a contract based on BIM technology and at the same time in line with the special Syrian laws and regulations in this field.
The research explains how to conclude a complete contract and its suitability with the reality of working with the BIM system.
إعداد: الطالب أبوالسعود عبد الرحيم بسمار
إشراف: الدكتور المهندس محمد شعبان
اقتراح منهجية مطورة لترميم الأسواق التراثية في مدينة حلب بالاستفادة من تكامل نمذجة معلومات البناء وانظمة المعلومات الجغرافية في مرحلة اعادة الاعمار - (سوق الزرب كحالة دراسية)
Suggesting a developed methodology for the restoration of the traditional markets in the city of Aleppo, by taking advantage of the integration of building information modeling and geographic information systems in the reconstruction phase- (Al-Zarb market as a case study)
إعداد : المهندسة سمر قريو
إشراف: الدكتورة سونيا أحمد
تكامل معايير الاستدامة في الكود السوري مع نمذجة معلومات البناء من أجل التعافي الأخضر
Integration of sustainability standards in the Syrian code with building information modeling For a green recovery
إعداد: المهندسة غالية الحموي
إشراف: الدكتورة غادة بلال
تكامل معايير الاستدامة في الكود السوري مع نمذجة معلومات البناء من أجل التعافي الأخضر
فاعلية تطبيق الـ BIM في زيادة دقة تقدير الكميات لمشاريع إعادة تأهيل المرافق العامة في سورية بعد الحرب - (دراسة حالة في دائرة العلاقات المسكونية والتنمية في دمشق)
The effectiveness of applying BIM in increasing the accuracy of estimating quantities for public facilities rehabilitation projects in Syria after war - (Case of: GOPA-DERD)
This research discusses the effectiveness of applying BIM in the rehabilitation projects of public facilities in Syria after the war by increasing the accuracy of quantities’ estimation for these projects. The main results indicate that the application of BIM in Al-Ejref school rehabilitation project in Al Qunaitra governorate represents great potential in increasing the accuracy of quantity estimation, as the old methods are limited and have a large margin of error.
إعداد: المهندس ميشيل عماد سعدا
إشراف : الدكتورة معمارية هلا أحمد أصلان
الدكتور مهندس صلاح حاج اسماعيل
Published by: International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science
Volume 5 , Issue 2, PP: 08-18 , 2022دمج BIM في المناهج الأكاديمية لكليات الهندسة المعمارية ضمن إطار معايير التعليم الهندسي - دراسة حالة: جامعة دمشق
Integration of BIM into the academic curricula of faculties of architecture within the framework of standards for engineering education - Case study: Damascus University
This research presents educational frameworks and current approaches to integrating BIM into educational curricula around the world, and critical success factors for integrating BIM into education. In this research, an educational BIM framework was proposed based on the research and studies presented in this field and a detailed work plan based on engineering standards for the process of integrating BIM in the Faculty of Architecture - Damascus University was presented. The action plan is based on a gradual transition to integrating BIM, starting from the first year up to the fifth year, according to three levels.
إعداد : الطالبة لارا ايليا رعد
إشراف : الدكتورة رنا ميا
الأثر الفعال لتكنولوجيا (BIM) في مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ على المباني والشركات في سوريا
The effective impact of (BIM) technology in the design and implementation phases on buildings and companies in Syria
The aim of this research is to study the impact of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology on the stages of design in particular and the start of construction work (implementation) in general, on buildings and companies in the Syrian Arab Republic, where international companies have become dependent on the implementation of construction projects using BIM programs, and on the best structural engineering software, it implements projects by making them more efficient and developed.
إعداد: المهندس محمد عبد العزيز حاج خليل
إشراف : الدكتور المهندس نورس علي خليل
الأثر الفعال لتكنولوجيا (BIM) في مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ على المباني والشركات في سوريا
اقتراح منهجية لقياس وتطوير نضج البيم في سوريا
Proposing a methodology to measure and develop BIM maturity in Syria
The purpose of this research is to propose a mechanism to measure and develop BIM maturity in Syria in general and to assess the level of maturity of our institutional BIM through the BIM3 maturity matrix in particular, which is done through the application of the maturity matrix, which is one of the most important models for measuring maturity around the world on a number of Syrian AEC companies In the private and public sectors, analyzing the performance of BIM in it, comparing the results and assessing the level of institutional maturity, and then conducting analyzes and comparisons based on these conclusions and making additional recommendations and proposals to develop the matrix in line with the practical reality in order to reach the optimal and integrated level for construction projects.
إعداد: الطالبة آية أمينو
إشراف: الدكتورة سونيا أحمد
اقتراح منهجية لقياس وتطوير نضج البيم في سوريا
Published by: International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science
Volume 5 , Issue 1, PP: 73-89 , 2022تطبيق أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مع تقنية BIM في إدارة مشاريع البناء
Application of Artificial Intelligence Tools with BIM Technology in Construction Management
إعداد :الطالب علي لؤي مصطفى
إشراف: الدكتور محمد علي محمد
تطبيق أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مع تقنية BIM في إدارة مشاريع البناء
نموذج مقترح لعقد وفق منهجية البيم -عقد البيم السوري (النسخة الأولى)-
A proposed model for a contract according to the BIM methodology - Syrian BIM contract (first copy)
The aim of this research is to find a nodal formula for the BIM methodology that fits and merges with the current formula in force in Syria with the introduction of some global nodal updates. Global steps for contracting within this environment. He also studied the status of current contracts in Syria, the problems and obstacles facing them, and the identification of success factors for the application of BIM in them. A proposed model for contracting was developed according to the BIM methodology and in line with the Syrian contracting environment.
إعداد: المهندس أيهم مسلم
إشراف: المهندسة سونيا احمد
نموذج مقترح لعقد وفق منهجية البيم -عقد البيم السوري (النسخة الأولى)-
الإجراءات اللازمة لضمان جودة المرحلة التصميمية والتعاقدية في قطاع التشييد في سوريا ضمن بيئة تكنولوجيا نمذجة معلومات البناء - (حالة دراسية: الشركة العامة للدراسات في دمشق)
The necessary procedures to ensure the quality of the design and contractual phase in the construction sector in Syria within the building information modeling technology environment (Case study: The General Company for Engineering Studies in Damascus)
This research aims to improve the quality of design, and contracting phase of the State Company for Engineering Studies in Damascus’s projects, by examining the current reality of practices and methods in quality management during the designing stages and pointing out its weaknesses. Determining the factors affecting the quality of the contractual phase of the company, through a survey published online. Twenty-two engineers working in the company have responded.
It was estimated that the company's realities and the extent to which the employees understood the importance of quality. The proportion of projects with design errors were found to be between 10% and 39%. The proportion of projects with very large delays due to adjustments were 70% to 100%.
إعـداد الطـالبـة: داليـا رضـوان
إشـراف الدكتـورة المهندسـة: رنـا ميّـا
نمذجة معلومات البناء في مشاريع البنى التحتية
Building information modeling in infrastructure projects
The aim of this research is to find a simple guide for project parties and workers in the field of infrastructure projects and to show its benefits, importance and use in this type of project, and to analyze five international projects that used BIM to find solutions both during design, implementation and operation, and to benefit from their experiences.
Although there are obstacles to the use of BIM practices, which are due to several reasons, the most important of which is the rarity of qualified personnel in this field, but the near future promises to use BIM systems on a large scale in infrastructure projects.
إعداد الطالب: خاجيك هاروتيون قلاجيان
إشراف: دكتورة سونيا أحمد
إعداد الخطة الزمنية و الجدولة لمشروع معهد الفنون التطبيقية في سوريا باستخدام تقنية نمذجة معلومات البناء
Preparing Time Schedule For The Institute Of Applied Arts Project In Syria Using BIM Technology
This study represents a concept based on BIM usage for construction projects to investigate the effects of BIM processes on planning and scheduling, a building consisting of a ground floor, 3typical floors, and two basements, was chosen as a case study, Structural and Architectural Models were provided from Autodesk Revit, which helped to prepare three execution scenarios and then picking the most suitable one, then a time schedule was prepared using Oracle Primavera, and Finally; linking this schedule with the above-mentioned models inside Autodesk Navisworks after demonstrating a clash detection, quantity surveying, and a simulation for the execution process according to the chosen scenario in the context of applying 4D BIM.
This Case study demonstrates how BIM allows the effective contribution of a 3D model that contains all required data for the planning and scheduling process that interests this study.
إعداد: المهندسة ريم إسماعيل ساري
إشراف: الدكتورة المهندسة لما سعود
تحسين أداء المشاريع بالاعتماد على المنهجية المتكاملة بين نظام إدارة القيمة المكتسبة ونمذجة معلومات البناء
Improving the performance of projects based on the integrated methodology between the earned value management system and building information modeling BIM
This study was prepared to improve the cost performance and schedule of construction projects using the Earned value management system (EVMS) and building information modeling during the design and implementation phases.
The importance of this research immerges from being a serious scientific attempt to identify methods and mechanisms that support engineering departments in the design and implementation stages in order to achieve engineering efficiency and comply with the project determinants (cost, time, field).
إعداد: المهندس طاهر جمال سلامة
إشراف : الدكتور المهندس عبد السلام محمد الشيباني
أهمية تطبيق تكنولوجيا التوائم الرقمية ومعوقاتها في المشاريع الهندسية في سوريا
The importance of applying digital twin technology and its obstacles in engineering projects in Syria.
This study aims a variety of workers in the construction sector in Syria, with the aim of estimating the degree of awareness of workers in this sector with digital twin technology, the extent of their knowledge of it, how to apply it, and what are the most important obstacles to its use in engineering projects. To achieve this goal, the descriptive approach was adopted, and a questionnaire was designed, as it was distributed to the study sample, which amounted to 36 individuals with different levels of education and various engineering experiences, in which the five-point Likert scale was used, and the statistical program SPSS was used to analyze the results of the questionnaire quantitatively.
إعداد : الطالب إباء نديم شريبه
إشراف: الدكتورة المهندسة سونيا سليم أحمد
أهمية تطبيق تكنولوجيا التوائم الرقمية ومعوقاتها في المشاريع الهندسية في سوريا