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E-banking Information Security Risks Analysis Based on Semantic Web Technologies
تحميل مخاطر أمن المعلومات في الخدمات المصرفية الالكترونية اعتماداً على تقنيات الوب الدلالي
إعداد الطالبة: نوره سلمان حيدر
إشراف الدكتور: محمد مازن المصطفى
Fall 2018
ISSN: 2724-33382021
Developing a New Terms Weighting Schema Through Text Analysis and Natural Language Processing
تطوير آلية جديدة لترجيح المصطلحات من خلال تحليل الوثائق النصية ومعالجة اللغة الطبيعية
إعداد الطالبة:منال شيخ أوغلي
إشراف الدكتور: محمد مازن المصطفى
Fall 2018
Websites Authentication Based on Face Recognition
Submitted by: Alaa Haidar Mohammad Supervised by Bashar Mohammad, Bassel Alkhatib Asian Journal of Information Technology
ISSN: 1682-3915 © Medwell JournalsDate
2016 Abstract
Nowadays, the number of websites is growing rapidly coupled with the hacking of the accounts which based on the traditional login method that depends on username and password, so it is important to improve the security of these sites by developing a method of verifying the identity of the users, we propose a face recognition system to achieve this target. In this paper, we review a method to detect faces and eyes depending on skin color then depending on Viola-Jones algorithm. After that, we propose our system which detects faces, eyes, and glasses by using the combination of skin color and Viola-Jones, then we normalize the
detected face image. After that we select facial features and configure a face template. This template is stored in the case of registering a new user or compared with pre-stored templates in the case of login. Our experiment reveals that the Detection of 110 images from the FERET database provides 100%, 90% and 69% accuracy in terms of face Detection, eyes Detection and glasses Detection, respectively. The recognition of 80 images from the ORL database (two images for each user) using 320 images related to 40 users (eight for each user) for algorithm training provides 93.75%, 92.5% and 88.75% accuracy in terms of using Eigenface, Fisherface and LPP, respectively. -
Content Management in Semantic Web
Submitted by: Bassel AlKhatib, Mohammed Eyad Fakhanee Date/Period: Jan. - Mar. 2015 Abstract
The Semantic Web is a technique of modern technologies in the world wide web, which it’s old do not exceed more than 10 years , and researches still continues until now on the development of this technique, applied it, and the extent to which reflected the pros and cons in the world wide web. This new technology in world of the web would reconsider the content management of the new Web via the means and modern tools consistent with the structure of the Semantic Web, and our goal through this paper is to highlight the content management in the Semantic Web, and find a way to manage this content using entailment technique in semantic web which means extract a new data from existing data.
Design & Develop Misconfiguration Vulnerabilities Scanner for Web Applications
Submitted by: Aidmar Wainakh, Dr. Ahmad Wabbi, Dr. Bassel Alkhatib International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. 9, n. 10 Abstract
Misconfiguration is one of the most critical Web vulnerabilities, still it does not receive enough attention. Applying general security practices and general remediation proved inefficiency in dealing with this type of vulnerabilities. In this research, we discuss and highlight several issues in order to enhance misconfiguration detection, quantifying and fixing. Our approach detects misconfiguration based on extended set of security-related configurations, then quantify the vulnerabilities according to the environment characteristics, using the most recent scoring standard in this field and recommend customized secure remediation. We implemented our approach in a tool called MVS, and we were able to evaluate seven Apache-MySQL-PHP packages, ten open source Web applications and seven online websites. Our experiments revealed that the tool is able to detect misconfigurations at both the environment level and the application level, then recommend customized and secure remediation.
User Adaptive E-Learning System
Submitted by: Bassel Alkhatib, Mohammad Wahab AL MOUQDAD DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.28
August 2014
A New Method for Measuring Text Similarity in Learning Management Systems Using WordNet
Submitted by: Bassel AlKhatib, Ammar Alnahhas, Firas Albadawi International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 9(2), 1-13 Date/Period: April-June 2014 Abstract
As text sources are getting broader, measuring text similarity is becoming more compelling. Automatic
text classification, search engines and auto answering systems are samples of applications that rely on text
similarity. Learning management systems (LMS) are becoming more important since electronic media is getting more publicly available. As LMS continuously needs content enrichment and the web is getting richer,
automatic collection of learning materials becomes an innovative idea. Intelligent agents can be used with
a similarity measurement method to implement the automatic collection process. This paper presents a new
method for measuring text similarity using the well-known WordNet Ontology. The proposed method assumes
that a text is similar to another if it represents a more specific semantic. This is more suitable for LMS
content enrichment as learning content can usually be expanded by a more specific one. This paper shows
how the hierarchy of WordNet can be taken advantage of to determine the importance of a word. It is also
shown how similarity method within an e-learning system is exploited to achieve two goals. The first one is
the enrichment of the e-learning content, and the second is the detection of semantically similar questions in
e-learning questions banks. -
Best Practices to Increase the Performance of Web-Based Applications
Submitted by: Bassel AlKhatib, Mouhamad Kawas International Journal on Information Technology (I.RE.I.T.) Vol. 1, N. 4
ISSN 2281-2911 July 2013Date/Period: July 2013 Abstract
In today’s world, technology development aspects are growing rapidly in a way that makes the development of these aspects unacceptable to slowdown. Perhaps the most distinguishing aspect is the World Wide Web which is considered as the main container for these prospects, despite of the challenges and the difficulties which have faced it since the beginning especially in term of performance. This paper states current performance difficulties that face web-based applications, grouping these difficulties into categories based on the web technology used.
It also proposes a number of recommendations and enhancements that increase and optimize the web performance. These recommendations are implemented in a real case which is “Mofadalah” web-based application at the Syrian ministry of health. -
Building Automatic Web Customer Profiling Service
Submitted by: Bassel AlKhatib, Ammar Alnahhas, Hadi Ezaldeen International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. 8, N. 6 ISSN 1828-6003
Date/Period: June 2013 Abstract
As the web has spread widely in the past years, it is now very important to personalize and customize websites so that we can improve user experience. Customer profiling is one of the most important methods to add personalization and customization to websites as it can capture the properties and interests of the customer in order to use them later to service him properly. In this paper, we present a generalized automatic customer profiling model that can suite most websites. Our model is based on probability theory; it captures user behavior slots in order to predict his profile. These probabilistic slots values are used to generate the customer adequate services. We show how to incorporate this model in a web service so that any website developer can use this service to add automatic user profiling to his website.
Study of Network Marketing in Syrian market using SEM
Submitted by: M. Bassam Kurdy, H. amar Mohamed International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT) ISSN: 2321-8827 Vol. 1 Issue 4,
Date/Period: September - 2013 Abstract
This research sheds light on the concept of network marketing as one of the emerging types of marketing, which appeared and spread extensively among all producers, especially after the technology and information revolution and the Internet, which swept all countries of the world. In this paper, we present the general concept of marketing network , and then it will go to talk about structural equation modeling (SEM) technique has significant potential as a research tool for assessing and modifying theoretical models . However, despite its increasing use in the field, it remains a complex tool that is often difficult to apply effectively. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the previous IS applications of SEM and to suggest guidelines to realize the potential of SEM in IS research. We show how results are extracted with (SPSS) program as a statistical programs important data analysis.
Comparison Study Of Automatic Classifiers Performance In Emotion Recognition Of Arabic Social Media Users
مع الانتشار الواسع لشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وتأثيرها المتزايد في حياتنا اليومية يوماً بعد اخر، أحدثت هذه الشبكات تحولاً جذرياً في توجه الويب ليصبح التركيز فيه على الإنفتاح وحرية المعلومات والمحتوى المقدم من قبل المستخدمين user-generated content. ومما ساعد على ذلك تنوع وسائل ولوج المستخدمين إلى شبكة الانترنت مع انتشار أجهزة الموبايل والأجهزة اللوحية المختلفة. فأصبحت منصات شبكات التواصل الإجتماعية هي المصدر الأساسي للأخبار والمعلومات بما فيها من أفكار وآراء ومشاعر ومواقف وردود أفعال يبديها المستخدمون، كل ذلك أدى إلى تحفيز الجهود البحثية لمحاولة تحقيق مختلف أشكال الاستفادة والإستثمار لهذه البيانات، وهذا ما عرف لاحقاً بـ علم دراسة وتحليل البيانات الإجتماعية
Submitted by: Abdullah Daood
Supervised by:Dr. Nada Mohammad Rifai Ghneim, Eng. Issam Mohamad Salman
Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expression Analysis
Submitted by: Ali Ghali Supervised by Dr Bassam Kurdy Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
ISSN: 1992-8645
E-ISSN: 1817-3195
30th September 2018. Vol.96. No 18 ABSTRACT
Emotion recognition is a natural capability in human beings. However, if we are to ever create a humanoid “robot” that can interact and emote with its human companions, the difficult task of emotion recognition will have to be solved. The ability for a computer to recognize human emotion has many highly valuable real world applications. Consider the domain of therapy robots which are designed to provide care and comfort for infirm and disabled individuals. These machines could lever information on a patient’s current and evolving state of mind, in order to tailor personalized strategies for patient care and interaction. For example, when a patient is upset or unhappy, a more effective strategy may be take a moment to recognize the emotion and offer sympathy. Even outside of the realm of robotics, working with computers that have the ability to sense and respond to emotional state can go a long way to improve the quality of human-computer interaction (HCI). By designing HCI to be more like human-human interaction, we have the ability to create more natural, fulfilled, and productive working relationships with our machines. In this research we explain how to recognize emotions through digital images using Android application, and we will identify seven types of emotions (neutral- happy- sad- surprised- afraid- angry- disgusted). We designed this work based on a popular library called OpenCv, and the Fisherfaces algorithm that consists of (PCA) principle component analysis algorithm and (LDA) the linear discriminate analysis algorithm, in addition, we built the server using Java language to implement the android application, also we compare the coordinates of eyes and mouth in test image with the coordinates in the database to take the highest similarity and show the result. The language used to build this work is the Java language using NetBeans IDE 8.0.2, and the use of android studio to design android application.