General description
This course aims to provide students with business research skills and methods. So, it enables them adequately and appropriately to discover and solve business problems. This course flows through the various stages of the business research process, it starts to help the researcher in discovering and identifying research problem, developing hypotheses, measurement of the variables, research design and types, in addition to sampling, even to guide a researcher to the stage of preparing the final report and submit it to the administration. The theoretical framework of the course is closely related to real practical cases of the world’s leading companies in connection with the business research. Students are expected, after succeeding in this course: -To acquire research skills related to the identification of research problems and development of various types of hypotheses in line with research problem and objectives. -To gain sufficient knowledge and appropriate use of each of the different types of business research designs, whether exploratory, descriptive, or experimental. -To gain full perception of data collection methods fortified with real examples, whether: qualitative methods (in-depth interviews, focus groups, and projective techniques), or quantitative methods (questionnaire, observation, telephone, personal interview, and e –mail). -To recognize the different types of scales and measurement. -To comprehend the designing rules of a questionnaire, and a deep understanding of sampling techniques. -To understand the actual basis for the preparation of the final report and submit it to the decision makers in the various departments. -To recognize the preparation of a graduation projects including the proper scientific documentation.