Topic outline

  • General description

    The course is divided into six chapters. The first chapter "Emergence and Types of Partnership Companies" aims to introduce the student to the nature of the Partnership companies, its main types and establishment procedures. The second chapter "Accounting treatment for the formation of solidarity companies" aims to provide the student with knowledge about accounting treatments for how partners pay their shares in the capital, whether in cash or in kind through the presentation of fixed or current assets, or by submitting an individual facility budget. The third chapter "Accounting treatment of related operations rights of partners" aims to provide the student with knowledge about the accounting treatments for operations related to partner rights which include partner withdrawals and benefits, partner capital benefits, partner loans and benefits, partner salaries and rewards, and how to distribute profits and losses among partners. The fourth chapter "Change in Contract of Partnership Companies" aims to provide the student with important experiences and skills on procedures and methods related to increasing the capital, reducing the capital, joining a new partner to the company, and the separation of one of the partners from the company. The fifth chapter "Liquidation of Solidarity Companies" aims to provide the student with knowledge about the procedures for liquidating solidarity companies, the methods that can be used in the liquidation, the accounts to be opened during the liquidation, how to close the company’s accounts and distribute the liquidation product among the partners. The sixth chapter "Simple Recommendation Companies" aims to provide the student with knowledge about the nature of simple recommendation companies and the most important differences in accounting treatments between solidarity companies and simple recommendation companies.