General description
Course General Objectives:
This course aims to enable the student to understand the definition of the charge, current, and the relationship between them. The student will acquire knowledge of voltage, power and energy relationships, and he will be able to use them in electric circuits. It aims to enable the student to be able to combine resistors in series and in parallel, and utilize principles of voltage division and current division, and to understand the concepts of nodal and mesh analysis using Kirchhoffs current and voltage laws. It also aims to enable him to utilize the theorems used for simplifying analysis, such as superposition, Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem. The student will be able to combine capacitors and inductors in series and in parallel. Phasor representation of circuit elements and transformers will be also comprehended.
This course forms a prerequisite to electronic circuit course at next levels.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- Comprehension of the main concepts and laws in electrical circuits, such as charge, current, voltage, power, and energy and their relationships.
- Understanding the Ohm and Kirchhoffs current and voltage laws and principles of voltage division and current division.
- Understanding nodes and meshes analysis methods.
- Understanding some of the major theorems of electrical circuits such as superposition, Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem.
- Understanding of the concept of capacitors, and inductors and combining each of them in series and in parallel.
- Understanding the sinusoid signal, Phasor representation of circuit elements, inductance, admittance, and ac circuit using Kirchhoffs current and voltage laws.
- Understanding of transformers operation principle and their laws.