مشاريع طلاب ربيع 2024 - S24
دور تكنولوجيا الأطراف الصناعية في مساعدة ومواساة جرحى الحرب في سوريا
The role of prosthetic limb technology in helping and consoling the war-wounded in Syria
The research aims at exploring the role of prosthetic technology in improving the life quality of, and to identify the challenges they face in benefitting from this technology. The research in the theoretical section reviewed the modern technologies used in manufacturing prosthetic limbs, the research and development, and community awareness taking place in this field. In practice, the research relied on field reports, evaluations, and interviews with injured people, doctors, and technicians in prosthetic limb fitting centers, such as the prosthetic limb unit at Ahmed Hamish Hospital in Damascus, which is technically supported by the Syrian Trust for Development within the framework of the Wounded Homeland project .
The research reached several results, the most important of which are:
1) Most amputation cases are distributed among the lower limbs below the knee, because they are the most vulnerable to harm by mines, snipers, or vehicle accidents .
2) There is a great opportunity to achieve satisfactory performance with the prosthetic limb by reducing the weight of the amputee or treating accompanying injuries.
3) Most amputees are satisfied with the prosthetic limb installed for them. The amputee’s self-reliance using the prosthetic limb is almost complete, and this is due to the quality of the limb and the high level of qualification of the medical and physical staff.
The research recommended:
1) The need to continue technical and financial support to improve and expand the prosthetics industry in Syria.
2) Continuing and working to develop and support prosthetic limbs laboratories in Syrian universities.
3) Adopting quality standards in the manufacture of modern prosthetic limbs, which leads to increasing the satisfaction rate among patients.
إعداد: الطالبة المهندسة دارين محسن خضر
إشراف: الدكتور لؤي صالح
دور تكنولوجيا الأطراف الصناعية في مساعدة ومواساة جرحى الحرب في سوريا
استثمار نموذج RFM في تخصيص الإشعارات لدعم قرارات تحسين استهداف عملاء تطبيقات الجوال دراسة عملية على البيانات الضخمة الناتجة عن تطبيق جوال لطلبات الطعام
Investing in the RFM model to personalize notifications and support decision-making to improve targeting for mobile app customers practical study on big data generated from a mobile food ordering application
This study aims to develop an intelligent model for personalizing notifications within a mobile food ordering application in specific regions of Saudi Arabia. The objective is to enhance marketing efficiency by re-segmenting and classifying customers based on their preferences and application usage behavior. This, in turn, guides the decision-making process for distributing targeted coupons to specific customer segments.
The study adopted a descriptive approach in the theoretical aspect and an analytical approach in the practical aspect. It was conducted on real data from over 5,000 customers using a food delivery application (from the researcher's workplace), including order history, preferred times, and food preferences. Big data analysis techniques and the Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value (RFM) model were utilized to segment customers into homogeneous groups based on the recency of their last order, order frequency, and overall order value. By focusing on the characteristics of each group, the study ensured that appropriate offers reached the right customers at the right time. Customers were segmented into eight categories.
As a result of this study, an intelligent customer segmentation model was developed, dividing customers into eight groups. By experimenting with attractive offers tailored to each group, the notification open rate increased by 40%. Furthermore, conversion rates rose as a larger number of recipients became actual customers, and the average order value improved due to offers encouraging customers to purchase higher-value products. The study recommends adopting artificial intelligence techniques in marketing to develop more intelligent personalization systems capable of predicting customer behavior and supporting targeting decisions. It also suggests conducting future studies that expand the scope of analysis and utilize the k-means algorithm.
إعداد : الطالبة لیندا سمیر شوبان
إشراف: الدكتورة أنمار عرابي
أثر تطبيق نظم ERP على بطاقة الأداء المتوازن (دراسة تطبيقية على بعض المصارف الخاصة في الجمهورية العربية السورية)
The Impact of ERP Systems on the Indicators of the Balanced Scorecard (An Applied Study on a Few Private Sector Banks in Syrian Arab Republic)
This study discusses the impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Syrian private banks. The research population consists of employees in the banking sector in Damascus, and the research sample was limited to 160 questionnaire responses from Bank Al-Sharq, BBSF, Al Baraka Bank, Al Sham Bank, National Islamic Bank, and Syria and Gulf Bank. To achieve the research objectives, the descriptive-analytical methodology was adopted, where secondary data was collected from previous studies and relevant references, while the questionnaire was the main research tool for collecting primary data.
The results showed the positive impact of these systems on organizational performance in all four dimensions and the magnitude of this impact was in the following order: From the learning and growth perspective, ERP systems promoted employee training and skill development, making them key factors in achieving organizational change and growth. From a financial perspective, ERP systems helped improve financial resource management by reducing costs and increasing profits, in addition to enhancing financial sustainability through accurate control over expenditures and revenues. From the customer's perspective, ERP systems have improved customer experience and satisfaction by providing innovative services, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of organizations in the market. As for internal operations, the study showed the role of ERP systems in improving operational efficiency by integrating processes and reducing waste, leading to increased productivity and business continuity.
Statistical analyses showed that the impact of ERP systems on the dimensions of the balanced scorecard was not affected by demographic factors such as gender, educational level, or age group, which confirms the comprehensiveness and fairness of these systems.
Based on these findings, the study recommends Syrian financial institutions to adopt ERP systems as a strategic tool to improve organizational performance, with a focus on training employees to maximize their benefits, especially in light of the current economic and environmental challenges. The study highlights the importance of ERP systems as an effective means of achieving strategic objectives and enhancing organizational performance, making it a highly valuable tool for the Syrian financial sector in complex business environments.
إعداد: الطالب أنيس هاني الخطيب
إشراف: الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد وَّارق
مدى الوعي الأمني بالمخاطر والتهديدات السيبرانية- دراسة استكشافية بين طلبة الجامعات في سورية
The level of security awareness of cyber risks and threats - an exploratory study among
university students in Syria
This research aimed to shed light on the concepts of cybersecurity and explore the awareness of university students of cybersecurity risks. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of university students in various disciplines.
The results showed that students feel the great importance of cybersecurity concepts, but their real awareness of cyber risks is generally average, as they have not received any training in this field, and their knowledge of cybersecurity threats often came from their personal experiences and from general information sources such as social media and electronic articles. Students also showed clear ignorance of the legislation and laws related to cybercrimes in the Syrian Arab Republic (this ignorance may be justified given the recentness of these laws).
In terms of recognizing threats, the majority of participants realized the existence of a specific type of threat, which is viruses, but other risks such as phishing and DDoS attacks and others were less well-known. The results also confirmed that a percentage of students do not use strong passwords or dedicated protection programs. In addition, the vast majority of the sample felt a lack of confidence in their ability to deal with cyber attacks, which calls for enhancing practical skills and training in this field. The study recommended the need to enhance educational and training programs in the field of cyber security within universities in order to raise the level of awareness and skills among students to confront the increasing threats.
إعداد: الطالب مازن سهيل تلجه
إشراف: الدكتور لؤي صالح
مدى الوعي الأمني بالمخاطر والتهديدات السيبرانية- دراسة استكشافية بين طلبة الجامعات في سورية