Topic outline

  • General description

    The course provides students with special and profound knowledge in main topics of operations research and its application in the domain of decision making aid and also in other different scientific branches. In this course, it can be using mathematical models for solving management and economic problems and also for solving many other scientific problems that can be formulated as a preference and optimization models. The objective of this course is also to explain to students the mathematical models (its elements, its benefits, its varieties), how it can formulate suitable mathematical models related to the proposed scientific problems, and also to profound knowledge on mathematical linear optimization in its different forms, a profound knowledge on network theory specially, how it can determine the shortest path in an oriented network , how it can find the minimum -weight spanning tree problem in non-directed network, in addition how it can reach the optimal solution to the maximum flow and the minimum cost flow problems in directed networks and finally how it can obtain the optimal solution to the transportation and the assignment problems considered as special studied cases.