مشاريع طلاب خريف 2023 - F23
تقييم إمكانية توطين أ شجار المانغروف في الساحل السوري كإجراء تكيفي مع التغيرات المناخية
Assessment of the Potential Introduction of Mangrove Forests into the Syrian Coast as an Adaptive Measure to Climate Changes
This study aims to investigate the status quo for the climate of the coastal region, in the governorates of Latakia and Tartous, additionally, forecast future climate changes in the region up to the year 2100, and assess the suitability of introducing mangrove trees as an adaptive measure to anticipated future climate changes, as well as to identify suitable sites for their introduction. This study was prepared through field visits to various areas of the Syrian coast and conducting a scientific description of the current situation from 01/04/2024 to 01/07/2024, it also included reviewing the available related studies to reach conclusions, discussing them, and providing supportive pieces of evidence. The studied area suffers from degradation due to several factors such as human activity, pollution, climate change, and extreme weather events. The research concluded that this degradation could be addressed by introducing mangrove trees along the Syrian coast. It also identified suitable areas for establishment, including low-lying coastal regions and estuaries, and emphasized the necessity of initiating implementation from now to face future climate changes.
إعداد: الطالب بهاء سليم أحمد
إشراف: الدكتور أمير علي ابراهيم
تقييم إمكانية توطين أ شجار المانغروف في الساحل السوري كإجراء تكيفي مع التغيرات المناخية
دراسة تطبيق نظام إدارة تكاملي للنظم الايكولوجية- الاجتماعية للقرى المحيطة بمحمية الأرز و الشوح (التنوع النباتي- في السفح الجنوبي قرية بلتعا/الشوح)
Assessment for the development of integrated management system of social -ecosystems of the villages surrounding the Cedar – fir Reserve (plant diversity at the southern slope Balta'a/Alshuh village).
This study, that conducted during the period from 4/23/2023 to 4/23/2024, aimed to describe the current status of the Cedar - fir Reserve in the Baltaa/Shuwah village area. This study monitors the plant biodiversity present in the reserve and in the Baltaa/Shuwah village, and this site was chosen as the only meeting point for the cedar and fir forests affiliated with the Cedar and Fir Reserve.
This study was prepared through field surveys of the plant biodiversity present in the area to study the relative importance of each species, and the supportive, providing, organizing and ecological cultural services provided by the reserve were highlighted and the extent of its contribution to achieving human well-being. The DPSIR methodology was also used as a useful analytical framework for developing policies to implement the adaptive management approach for ecological-socio-economic systems. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders such as: forestry service providers in the Study area, the local community, through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of three villages (Al-Baraj-Al-Hajar-Baltaa/Al-Shouh), to evaluate their activities in the reserve and their impact on the sustainability of the forest ecosystem, and the extent of their compatibility with the principle of sustainability and optimal investment for local communities and future generations.
The results showed a shift The original cedar forest has turned into a secondary forest dominated by broad-leaved trees, whereas cedar was once dominant. The Lebanese cedar ecosystem, which has been present in the region since the second millennium BC, is threatened with extinction and the resulting negative environmental, socio-economic and agricultural impacts (especially since the aforementioned system is rich in the wild origins of many fruit trees). The deterioration of the Lebanese cedar forest has led to local environmental disturbance, which is reflected in the deterioration of these forests and the distribution of different species in this region. We noticed a decrease in the relative importance of the Cedrus libani from 82.5 in the year 2004 to 70.52.
In the current study, the relative importance of the Amygdalus communis decreased from 9.41 in the year 2004 to 1.45 In the current study, the relative importance of the Juniperus oxycedrus decreased from 11.43 in the year 2004 to 9.58 in the current study, and the relative importance of the Quercus infectoria increased from 7.12 in the year 2004 to 51.12 in the current study, and a clear appearance of species that were not present in the study area in the 2004 statistics, such as: Crataegus monogyna, Rhus coriaria, Asphodelus microcarpus, Cornus australis, Urtica dioica, Eryngium creticum. The results of the questionnaire also showed the dependence of the local population i n the studied sample on logging for the purpose of heating and trade at a rate of 98%, collecting herbal plants from the forest for the purpose of home use and small projects at a rate of 83.3%, hunting animals at a rate of 4.8%, grazing at a rate of 3%, and tourism currently after the crisis. Syrian by only 1%. This requires giving this area the importance it deserves, taking more stringent measures to protect the reserve, especially the center area, and applying adaptive management measures to mitigate the changes occurring in this important biological habitat and ensure its sustainability for future generations.
إعداد: الطالبة بتول وديع شخيص
إشراف: الدكتور محمود علي
مقترح إطار خطة إدارة متكاملة للمنطقة الممتدة من ميناء الصيد والنزهة إلى منطقة برج اسلام في محافظة اللاذقية من الساحل السوري
A proposal for a framework integrated management plan for the area extending from the fishing port to the Burj Islam area in Latakia on the Syrian coast
The Syrian coastal region is considered a rich zone in both natural and human resources; it contains a wide diversity of ecological and social systems with different natural, cultural and economic values, in addition to the services that these systems provide to the local community and their importance in its sustainability and well-being.
This study was conducted from 01/04/2024 to 01/07/2024, and the study area extends from the fishing and picnic port to the Burj Islam area (north of the city of Latakia). This area enjoys biological diversity and diversity of coastal and marine ecosystems. It also includes a number of diverse terrestrial ecosystems, whether in terms of plant or animal diversity, in addition to the presence of the Ibn Hani Marine Protected Area, and the archaeological area of Ugarit is close to it. This region suffers from many pressures, as a result of a number of factors such as pollution from multiple sources, as well as the impact of climate change on it. In this study, we worked on formulating a framework proposal for an integrated management plan for this region, based on an assessment of the ecological, social, and cultural heritage systems present in the region, relying on the results of the DPSIR approach and available data. Local management systems were also proposed and defined within the overall system, including the marine protected area, and mechanisms for adapting to climate change and mitigating its effects within the region were proposed.
إعداد: الطالبة رغد حكمت سوسو
إشراف : الدكتورة شيرين سليمان حسين
تقييم حالة النظام الإيكولوجي في الحوض الساكب لبحيرة الباسل ضمن حوض الأبرش، من حيث الخدمات المقدمة قبل وبعد انشاء سد الباسل ومدى تأثيرها على رفاهية المجتمع
Assessment of the state of the ecosystem for Al-Basel Lake’s basin within the Al-Abrash Basin, in terms of the services provided before and after the construction of Al-Basel Dam and their impact on the well-being of the community
Al-Abrash River catchment is distinguished by its tourism, environment, economy, and society importance, due to its stunning natural beauty and the significance of the river as a primary source of drinking and irrigation water. The river is also crucial as it is the main natural resource in the surrounding environment. Al-Basel Dam was constructed on Al-Abrash River, approximately 8 km south of Safita city, with a height of 50 meters. The dam is filled from the flow of Al-Abrash River and from the supply canal of the Arus Spring to utilize this water for irrigation. The irrigated land area from the dam's water is 10,160 hectares.
Al-Abrash River floods during winter, causing significant damage to the nearby plains. This necessitated the construction of a dam, and the project was put into service in 1998. Despite its economic importance, the project had some negative impacts on the surrounding ecological systems, by altering the river's course and reducing waterflow downstream.
Therefore, evaluating the ecological system of Al-Abrash basin, with a focus on Al-Bassel Dam and its lake, has become essential to assess and analyze the changes in ecosystem services before and after the dam's construction.
This research aims to evaluate and analyze the ecological systems in the study area, focusing on the services provided and the mutual impact between the community and its surrounding environment, highlighting how these changes affect ecosystem services.
This research will emphasize the importance of analyzing and evaluating ecological systems before intervening in them, stressing the need to consider this analysis when planning similar projects and seeking solutions that serve the purpose while preserving ecological system resilience.
إعداد: الطالبة عبير غسان سليمان
إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد أبو سمرة
تقييم درجة المعرفة بالزراعة الذكية مناخياً لدى عينة من المزارعين في ريف محافظة حمص (قطينة) - دراسة حالة
Evaluating the knowledge degree of climate-smart Agriculture among smallholder farmers in Homs Governorate countryside: a case study of Qatina
In recent years, Syria along with many other regions worldwide have witnessed severe climate changes that have exacerbated food security problems and livelihood sensitive to climate change. To address these challenges, climate-smart agricultural practices (CSA) Climate Smart Agriculture have become more critical than ever before. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of climate-smart agriculture, and determining the extent of the spread and application of climate-smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers in Qatina countryside, Homs governorate .
The importance of this study is highlighted in verifying the level of awareness and knowledge of climate change and climate-smart agriculture, and determining the extent of the spread and application of climate-smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers in the study area, in addition to the impact of demographic characteristics on farmers’ climate-smart agricultural practices.
The study used the descriptive analytical approach to address the study problem and achieve its objectives, by preparing a customized electronic questionnaire to collect information about the variables to be measured from a sample of farmers, and choosing appropriate statistical tools to process the data, as the data was processed using the SPSS program.
The study concluded many results, including a low level of knowledge among farmers about the concept of Climate Smart Agriculture, and a high prevalence of livestock production management practices in addition to climate-smart crop management practices. As for smart agriculture practices in the field of soil and water, they were low.
The results showed that there is an impact of demographic variables on the various climate smart agriculture practices in their various dimensions, and the study reached many recommendations, including spreading awareness among farmers about climate change and its effects on the environment and agricultural production, in addition to activating the role of agricultural extension in transmitting information, and spreading the culture of smart agricultural practices.
إعداد: الطالبة نسرين الحمود
إشراف: الدكتور زهير الشاطر
توجيه عمليات تقييم خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية لحفظ واستدامة محمية الشوح والأرز في سورية وفق تطبيق منهجية TEEB
Guiding the processes of evaluating ecosystem services to preserve and sustain the Fir
and Cedar Reserve in Syria according to the application of the TEEB methodology
Forests and trees make vital contributions to well-being, economic activities, ecosystem functioning and global system dynamics. There has been a lack of studies assessing the drivers of damage to Syrian forests during the current conflict. This study estimates damage since 2011 in the Fir and Cedar Reserve in the Syrian governorates of Latakia and Hama. and assessed the motives for this damage. A multidimensional approach to damage assessment was developed that combined forest inventory, remotely sensed satellite imagery analysis, questionnaires, and focus groups to enable comparison of the forest in 2010, 2015, and 2020. So, the plot inventory data and remote sensing analysis provided estimates of forest damage, while focus groups and questionnaires provided vital information on the drivers of forest loss, which is required to develop reforestation programmes. Overall, forest inventory data and satellite imagery analysis results indicated a decline in vegetation cover, density and biodiversity. The results indicated a much greater loss of forests than is available from global products such as Global Forest Watch due to the spread of low-density oak forests in Syria such as Alhamam and Alboz forests that are not classified as forests. Survey and focus group results showed that the main cause of the damage is increased demand for firewood, due to fuel shortages, increased unemployment, reduced household incomes and generally higher prices, making fuel more expensive than ever. Survey participants generally understood the importance of trees and forests, and local knowledge of the importance of forest resources has not changed over time. This multidimensional approach indicates a decline in institutional capacity to protect forests and will help in developing strategic plans for forest service and protection in the future.
إعداد: الطالبة مريان فهد
إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد أبو سمرة