General description
BIM as a managed business process in terms
of the British BS/PAS 1192 Series. KPI. UK
Standards Overview BIM Level2: BS 1192:
2007, PAS 1192-2: 2013, PAS 1192-3: 2014,
PAS 1192-3: 2014, BS 1192-4: 2014, PAS
1192-5: 2015, PAS 1192-6: 2018, BS 8536.
Eight Tier 2 BIM pillars to British BIM
standards. roles and responsibilities. Standard
methods and procedures. CDE environment.
BIM information management according to the
CIC BIM protocol. Information Manager - Role
and Responsibility.
Educational Outcomes:
1- They will become familiar with the set of
BIM ISO 19650 and BS 1192 standards, as
well as working knowledge of BIM process
documents such as OIR, AIR, EIR, PIR, BEP,
2- - You will also acquire basic practical skills
such as reading and understanding BIM
documents such as EIR and BEP, as well as
the principles of their preparation.
Demonstrate leadership, management, and
conflict resolution with collaboration and
integration between separate industry and
supply chain areas while creating their own
models, cost analysis, time distribution, and
electronically sharing all project data in a
common environment
4- - Critical awareness of contemporary BIM
issues reported by technology, research, and
management skills.