General description
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the fundamentals of electrostatics and magnetostatics (whereas electrodynamics is introduced later in the ‘Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines’ and ‘Microwave Engineering’ courses). In addition, this course introduces the nature and propagation of light. It concentrates on the definition and properties of the electric and magnetic fields, the basic methods used in determining them, and their recent applications. The student will be familiar, in this course, with the nature of light and the formation of images by thin lenses, in addition to two phenomena in waves: the interference and the diffraction.
Intended Learning Outcomes :
Code Intended Learning Outcomes
Identifying electric charge and Coulombs law.
Identifying the properties of conductors and insulators.
Identifying the electric field, its properties and how to calculate it.
Identifying electric field lines and the electric dipole.
Identifying the electric potential and its relation with the electric field.
Identifying capacitors, their connecting types and the notion of capacitance.
Identifying the magnetic field, its properties and how to calculate it.
Identifying the magnetic induction and the relation between electric and magnetic fields.
Understanding the nature of light and its propagation, reflection and refraction, thin lenses
Understanding the interference and diffraction phenomena and their applications.